Meet Dyami Berridge , 2023 Summer Intern
Dyami William Berridge is Snake Clan and a member of the Winnebago Tribe. He is a graduate from Winnebago, Nebraska and will be attending Haskell Indian Nations University on an athletic scholarship for cross country and track. He will be studying sports management as he wants to become an athletic trainer.
His favorite food is chicken strips and fries.
Something on his bucket list is to run the Boston Marathon.
If he had his own television show, it would be called “DB’s Everyday Life” and would be about what he does throughout the day.
His favorite quote comes from Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.”
What Dyami hopes to learn from his time as an intern with Ho-Chunk, Inc. is what Ho-Chunk, Inc. does and overall to become a better person by the end of the internship.